Connect your Pipelines

Monitor your pipe system 24/7

Leaking pipes cost money. With WiDetect you can find and locate the fault before it becomes large enough to cause damage to your investment, or the local environment, etc. The WiDetect system monitors your pipework every minute and issues a direct alarm if anything occurs. Which is why we call this a superfast monitoring system!

Using our wireless technology you can easily monitor all your pipes from your own operations centre, or allow Wideco to take care of monitoring via our hosting solution. This gives you reduced costs, a better chance to follow up guarantees, receive direct alarms, and also provides more efficient maintenance work.

Wideco - Wision


WiDetect is a complete leak detection system consisting of intelligent detection units and software applications.

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Wideco - Wision


Wideco has solved the problem with leak detection for district cooling by developing a patented sensor cable, WiDetect 3Dc,

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Wideco - Wision

Water & sewage

By proactively monitoring your water pipeline systems, leaks can be detected and reduced before major damage occur.

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Wideco - Wision

Industry and Buildings

Proactive Monitoring with MultiZone

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